A Signal from Outer Space: Pembe Panzer

Pembe Panzer Gizem Yılmaz 

Bizlere dayatılan ‘başarı toplumu’nun özgüvenimizi yerle bir eden ‘ilerici’, istilacı yaklaşımına ve aydınlanma geleneğinin iç karartıcı mükemmelik yanılsamasına boyun eğmeyen çoğunluğun ezici gücüne karşı azınlığın coşkusundan yana olmak, dayanışmayı, gerektiğinde tek başına direnmeyi bilmek ve tüm bunları gerçekleştirmek adına bir savaş makinesine dönüşmek.

  • Deleuze ve Guattari’ nin ‘Bin Yayla’sından bir kavram.
  • Panzer’in oluş sebebi. Estetik ve politik bir muhalefet biçimi.
  • Devlet Aygıtı’nın karşısında bulunan, ona ait olmayan şey.
  • İhtimalleri çoğaltarak genişleten ve dönüşümü mümkün kılan bir araç.
  • Değişim için saf potansiyel.
  • İhtimalleri kapatmak ve sınırlamak isteyen devlet aygıtının ele geçirmeye çalıştığı bir oluş.
  • Devletin, kapitalizmin, totaliter sistemlerin ruhu yoktur. Bu sistemlerin kendilerine uyarlama yoluyla çeşitli topluluklarla değiş tokuşa soktukları yeni bir araç.
  • Savaş makinesi gibi soyut ve yoruma açık bu kavramı okumalar ve yanlış okumalarla kendince yeniden yorumlama potansiyeli.
  • Beklenmedikliği, Çoğulluğu, ilhamı, yaratıcılığı, coşkuyu içeren ue teşvik eden bir versiyonu Pembe Panzer olarak kurgulamak.
  • Askeri savaş makinesi panzeri punk pembesiyle boyayan bir neşe.
  • Baskıcı egemen güçlerin hayatlarımıza sızan görünmez elleriyle, patriyarkanın cinsel dışavurumların tüm renklerini solduran kötü niyetli politikalarıyla, bizlere dayatılan ‘başarı toplumu’nun özgüvenimizi yerle bir eden ‘ilerici’, istilacı yaklaşımına ve aydınlanma geleneğinin iç karartıcı mükemmelik yanılsamasına boyun eğmeyen çoğunluğun ezici gücüne karşı azınlığın coşkusundan yana olmak, dayanışmayı, gerektiğinde tek başına direnmeyi bilmek ve tüm bunları gerçekleştirmek adına bir savaş makinesine dönüşmek.

İlk Zamanlar, Kadıköy Karga, 2024


İlk Zamanlar, Kadıköy Karga, 2024


New Single Arrived !!


Vox by Panzer / Engineering by Dülger

Pink Panzer Gizem Yılmaz & Dülger



Psychopathy of a Razorgirl: Maria Oosterveen

Maria Oosterveen, Los Angeles, 2023

A new year, new technologies; surviving a pandemic that gripped the world for two years, followed by geopolitic wars and peoples ravaged by the struggle for territory between global powers. Where are we going, are we on the brink of an uncertain age?

To what extent and for what purpose are we using advanced technology in our lives, or is it using us? And where does woman stand in all this chaos? While these feverish debates continue, perhaps it is best to listen to Maria Oosterveen who capture the spirit of the time.

Maria Oosterveen is an artist based in the Hague, Netherlands. Currently she is using spinning, recycled yarn and a touch of technology to make tactile works, that could be touched, be immersed into by wearing or by looking. She is also a part of the iii-workspace, and works as a professional model for special projects.

Her works which are overall scenographic do touch our sense of compassion and conscience, but seen from the perspective of the body without of organs (explained by Deleuze and Guattari) also called the cyborg (Donna Harraway), and the power-plays between us and a structure or object (phenomenology) (Foucault).

Maria Oosterveen ‘Crrrshd 1.1’ 2022

‘When we navigate through life we often only see the hard parts of life. Leaving a trail of growth and beauty behind us. Since every step we make is a beautiful one. How hard it may seem, how exhausting it may seem.’

From Maria Oosterveen’s ‘Subject 0’ interactive performance

“As an artist I feel obliged to make people aware of their own habits in time and space.”

Yuval Noah Harari and similar thinkers argue that homo-sapiens as a species has come to the end of its evolutionary process and that the only way forward is from now on through by bio-engineering works, to what extent do you agree with this idea as a post-modern artist with a degree in chemistry?

Maria Oosterveen: I feel this is true.

Yet the application of bio-engineering is more a trans-humanist view to progress than a post-human. From a Post-humanist perspective changing habits and structures as a concept is more important. In that sense the body can change with the help of bio-engineering. Yet it is also valid to change the way we behave towards political systems. This is beautifully described by Judith Butler in her book “Undoing Gender”. Even if she specified this to the uncloaking of the group dynamics and (unwritten) laws around gender, she also mentions that her concept is also applicable to every political field. If you would do that in all systems.

Trans-humanism is more about the evolution of humans in a more practical sense, less conceptual. So if we want to evolve we have to find (scientific) solutions to our problem. It is more about how we want to evolve from a very human centric point of view. This could be the prolonging of our lives, to the way we added phones to our lives and have become integrated with them. Even the use of machines in a laboratory can be seen as an extension of our own body making things easier for us and therefor in integrates with our lives.

As an artist I feel obliged to make people aware of their own habits in time and space. Creating awareness and therefore change in itself. In a more Post-human way. So I try to work with the concept of consciousness. The way we perceive this is highly influenced by culture which is a system in itself, although some parts of it are instinctual. And this is what usually underlays all, the reasons why we create structures and systems. This is where we can really progress. If we are able to crack the way our instincts work, we would evolve as an entity. To recreate ourselves, or let ourselves be recreated by the (new) surroundings (as this is what evolution is). To accept we are just a product of our environment.

From this philosophical Post-Human perspective Anarchism also makes sense.

Maria Oosterveen ‘van KaNT’ series, 2022

‘My art is philosophical and political. It needs to be immersive and challenging your concept of what is right or wrong, this by the use and choices of my materials + titles but also execution. Not to be judged but to be made conscience.’

A body-art experiment by Maria Oosterveen ‘Nothing more than a Cyborg’

I have to admit that your ‘Nothing More than a Cyborg’ experiment really creeped me out.The most striking thing that struck me while reading your anecdotes is that you define the basic centre, the essence that you can access while peeling back the layers of human beings as ‘conscience’, not ‘soul’ (or spirit). Isn’t this where the whole handicap of positivism, of the (progressive) positivist perspective lies: It is based only on what can be observed. Seeing the soul and similar metaphysical fields as lyrical tales of antiquity; in terms of your artistic works, to which field do you see yourself as an artist?

Perhaps this brings us back to the most basic question “Do you believe in God or not?” Or I have to ask it like this: What is your understanding of the universe, your conception of the universe that you reflect in your art?

My answer to this will be short and long as I want to support my answer. I got no understanding of the universe.

I am only a byproduct of my surroundings. I am a product of how my mother met my father. I am a product of how some chemicals in the body said they were a good match. Which comes from an evolutionary process to prevent the mixing of too similar genes. Why that happened? If there was a reason that this happened? Did something else than a big bang caused our environment to create the right circumstances for us to be created by evolution? I got no clue.

If there is a God? No. I don’t feel like there exists one. We try to find ways to explain that which our consciousness is not able to connect together by itself. It is yet another system to make sense of that which doesn’t make sense for a lot of humans.

I believe humans are more connected than we believe we are. We share more than most think we do. We are already a big network of communal consciouses. It is something most of us experience the moment we use psychotropics. It is that same communal consciousness that finally opens up. Do we understand this communal consciousness? No. Neither do I. I follow where the system leads us as that is what we share. That is what I understand.

There is also one part of this concept of communal conscious that makes understanding the universe even more complex. It could also mean we are sharing a communal believe of reality. What if that communal consciousness breaks apart? Would what we imagined as a world still exist?

So no I got no clue. I take no stance either.

Maria and her usual natural seating style

*Cyberfeminism is a feminist approach which foregrounds the relationship between cyberspace, the Internet, and technology. It can be used to refer to a philosophy, methodology or community. The term was coined in the early 1990s to describe the work of feminists interested in theorizing, critiquing, exploring and re-making the Internet, cyberspace and new-media technologies in general. The foundational catalyst for the formation of cyberfeminist thought is attributed to Donna Haraway’s “A Cyborg Manifesto”, third wave feminism, post-structuralist feminism, riot grrrl culture and the feminist critique of the alleged erasure of women within discussions of technology.

Mariagoth Razor Mode !!
Some pages from Mariagoth’s sketchbook, 2023

“I don’t find it particularly scary for the children growing up. I find it scary for us all.”

If we take a look at the developments in the field of technology and science in the last 10 years, we witness that it has accelerated exponentially, not linearly, and has grown like an avalanche in the face of human beings. Now there is talk of the threat of an out-of-control artificial intelligence taking over the entire system. As a young woman and also modern artist, how do you see this situation, do you ever get worried, do you ever think that this is too much?

To be honest. I don’t find it particularly scary for the children growing up. I find it scary for us all. Our technology progresses faster than what we as communal conscious and human beings at this moment are capable of dealing with. Some of our systems within our bodies (the body without organs), at least the bodies we consciously imagine to exist, have not evolved enough to deal with the new developments. Like the amount of stimuli we get on a daily basis via screens and billboards. Some of us barely understand that we are the cause of climate change. A lot of humans are not capable of dealing with the stream of information that comes in. As most of what is being produced by technology now is not new physical systems, but rather systems created by information. We as human beings have not adapted fast enough, and this is why we get back to new technological adaptations to make us cope (transhumanism). Which is a trap by itself. As we aren’t evolving as a species. We are merely putting a small bandaid on a gaping wound.

Funny how these questions remind me of how Muad’dib (Paul Attreides) in Dune by Frank Herbert also sees the world or rather Leto II sees the world. Your comment about Mentat computation is rather well choosen.

Maria Oosterveen ‘Nothing more than a Cyborg’

“We are in the way we move and behave utterly the same as what we were 1000 years ago.”

Or do you think humanity will somehow adapt to this new world order, for better or worse?

In ways I have already explained this above. We adapt by applying even more technology. While we as humans have not changed the way we work. We still follow the same structures and systems. In that sense we still stay human. Even if we would look like robots, or the cyborgs in cyberpunk movies. Which are a terrible example of what a cyborg truly is in the literary sense. I would rather call them Transborgs than Cyborgs… We are in the way we move and behave utterly the same as what we were 1000 years ago.

We have created something we’re barely able to grasp (as a shared consciousness) that actually shows us that everything is communal. That something like copyright is non-existent. It is one of the biggest mirrors we could have created. Most of us are not capable of accepting this fact. Most of us still try to explain the world and what happens by tarot cards and/or a God.

This issue with not being able to deal with the stream of information, and the disability to communally share the same reality, is also why there is a higher percentage of psychoses happening throughout our population. (I don’t see the concept of the psychosis as something negative, just different).

Maria, L.A. Session, 2023

“Both groups are counter culture as they exist opposing each other. Both are right in their own ways. We do communally need to deal with the problems at hand, respecting each other (without violence). Yet the way our system works now isn’t making us progress at all. However I don’t believe we are conscious of how right we all are in our own way.”

In Türkiye, since the 2000s, there has always been a small-scale oppositional voice against globalization. But what about the situation in Europe, in a relatively developed welfare country like the Netherlands, is there a group of people or intellectuals who are at least ideologically or philosophically opposed to the current course of events; what is going on in the field of counter-culture in Europe, what are your observations, we would appreciate it if you could inform us a little bit.

Well to inform you all: The Netherlands is no different. About 30% of the population voted for the PVV. Which lead by an half Indonesian half-Dutch man, named Geert Wilders, in an elite position being part of the Government. There is also the party led by Thierry Baudet: Forum voor Democratie. Baudet grew up pretty rich has been able to study philosophy, of all studies, and is an extreme right wing man who flirts with Nazism. His party won the provincial elections a while ago.

Most of these politicians barely have any knowledge of the issues at hand. Knowing that most of their followers have any knowledge at hand. Yet they do understand that it is too much for a lot to handle. So they try to deny that climate change exists. Having others agreeing with them and therefor voting on them. As it is a lot to grasp for a lot….

This same group often are conspiracy believers. They also see the government as something fundamentally bad (this is something different than believing our political system needs reforming and being critical). There is overlap with some who are connected to far left wing ideologies.

Yet there is also this group of people that do understand the issues at hand and share this communal reality. They also believe that the only way to deal with the issues at hand is by doing it together communally. Even if they might not see it all the same way. Together is the only way to get through this. About 70% of us all still follow this believe.

Both groups are counter culture as they exist opposing each other. Both are right in their own ways. We do communally need to deal with the problems at hand, respecting each other (without violence). Yet the way our system works now isn’t making us progress at all. However I don’t believe we are conscious of how right we all are in our own way.

*The performance in which Mariagoat participated at Museum of Now in Berlin, 2019

“This need for technological development is only a need to deal, via cognitive dissonance, with the mirror we created for ourselves.”

There are some conspiracy theorists, independent journalists and writers who believe that these global financial elites and this corporatocracy are serving the Satanic side, trying to enslave us for their new digital world order they have created by severing our essential connection with ourselves, and therefore with nature and God.Even tech giants like Elon Musk are saying that the human brain can be used as an interface through neurolink and similar technologies in the future, what do you think about these developments; are you optimistic or pessimistic?

I am neither. Will I individually agree with a world that changes towards a highly driven by religious believes? NO I won’t. I would detest the idea. Would I still follow the communal believe that God exists? Yes because even by using the word “God” I acknowledge its existence its presence in our culture and language. If the world communally believes one thing I am to follow (as we all haven’t evolved far enough to break this cycle).

Are they right that by believing we are individuals we loose connection with each other even our surroundings? Yes. Are they right that with the current individualistic mindset dealing with problems is harder to grasp communally? Yes. It would be chaos. It would be anarchy. It would be post-modernism. It would be a psychosis not shared by us all. That idea is scary as it is venturing into the unknown. Can I be optimistic or pessimistic about this…. I can’t know as we have not reached such a state yet.

To be more practical: Am I pessimistic about the technological developments like Neurolink? No. Positive? No. It’s the same as before. This need for technological development is only a need to deal, via cognitive dissonance, with the mirror we created for ourselves.

Maria Oosterveen ‘van KaNT’ 2022

“This is where the answer for change is also to be found. We are the only ones who can oppose a structure of extreme surveillance by corporatocraty. New technological developments itself have nothing to do with a system of oppression they are merely the tool.”

Of course, if we think of this neurolink technology as a development that will bring a paralyzed patient back to his feet and back to life, it is miraculous, but how can we be sure of the other side of the medallion? What if, over time, it turns into a centralized totalitarian form of government, just like the current social media applications? I want to draw attention to the philosophy behind these developments as much as the developments themselves, after all, none of us were born by Bill Gates or Elon Musk!? And if so, where is the devil hiding?

The Devil is a concept created by the communal believe there exists “one”, which is a paradox in itself. We all believe there is “one”. As you mention so beautifully: “None of us…”, the us in this sentence gives the answer back at you. We are the ones believing there is a devil/problem. We are also the ones who made it possible, by communally believing, that we got no control over a situation like this which explains the “none” within that sentence. So the “devil” is within ourselves, it is a communal issue. Not to blame one for it, but all.

This is where the answer for change is also to be found. We are the only ones who can oppose a structure of extreme surveillance by corporatocraty. New technological developments itself have nothing to do with a system of oppression they are merely the tool.

Going back to our original topic, How do you think all these scientific, digital and cybernetic developments mentioned above, (some of which I am skeptical about), will affect the art of this new century?

I can tell you are sceptic by the way you formulate your questions. Yet with scepticism is nothing wrong. It tells us that there is something wrong. It is an instinctual warning signal that tells us something isn’t clear drinkable water. To dispose of it all as bad (as it is still water) is what I would find difficult to deal with.

“The use of technology in art or even the lack of technology where there is plenty. Will create this awareness. Art has always been a great way to make this awareness happen.”

Will artists turn into technicians and art into bio-technologic works free from the romantic, instinctive senses?

No. Not as we are still humans. We are not the tools we use. We created them. They just do not change the fundamentals of the way we act. Art, as it is today, will always find ways to create awareness. The most easiest ways to be aware is via the senses. Via touch, smell, audio, visual and etc. The easiest to make people aware about themselves is via our communally shared instinctual senses. The moment we crack this… The moment we have evolved. Art in the concept we know it now will not exist.

The use of technology in art or even the lack of technology where there is plenty. Will create this awareness. Art has always been a great way to make this awareness happen.

To talk about the senses: I am currently organising/curating an art event around the senses named: Not to be Senseless which will be happening on the 30th of March 2024. As this art-event focusses on our instinctual senses. Trying to make sense of it all, while not forgetting this instinct is communal though different for everybody.

What do you think about the effects of Artificial Intelligence in the near future? Do you use it in your art works?

No, I do not use it in my works yet. I am not opposed to it. As I see it as a tool not the creator. We created AI as a mirror of us. Why not use the mirror to mirror it back at us? We can use this in a more awareness creating tool.

I would use an AI to help me create algorithms to create new knitting patterns. Make the AI calculate it for me. While also absolutely aware that the use of this (and mentioning it) will discard the process of others helping/being paid to help in creating these patterns. Thereby creating awareness what AI does to discard human workers in a field that is rather physical. I would only use AI in my projects if it indeed would be part of my concept to make others aware of those systems of industrialisation.

The art scene of the century we left behind is a colorful century that witnessed early avant-gardes like Nam Jum Paik, many post-60s art movements and vibrant developments, speaking for today, are there any names that interest you in the fields of video art and performance art that you can recommend?

Marco Donnarumma is an amazing performative artist that amazes me every-time I see his works.

Ludmilla Rodrigues focusses a lot on haptics in her work and creates awareness around this topic.

Jaime Del Val a Spanish performative artists that focusses on architectural believes and how this changes the way we move.

Dani Ploeger an artist who focusses on systems like surveillance, but also the less complex ones like sexuality and technology.

There are many more I would like to feature but to be honest the niche I find myself connected to as an artist is rather small. So I keep seeing the same faces over and over again.

Who are the iconic artists from the 60s to today, who are important to you?

I mean writers like Philip K. Dick and Frank Herbert are rather important to me. To be honest. I am terrible with art and remembering names. Especially connected to a specific time.

Do you have a special project you are working on these days? We know that apart from being an artist, you are also a model, and a photographer, isn’t all this tiring for you?

I just wish it all would be paid better and some would be communicative stronger so everything flows more fluently. You can’t have all. Luckily this is what life is about. So I am fine. It is actually really exciting. My life isn’t boring at all!

As mentioned before I am setting up a series of events around the senses called; Not to be Senseless. It is a political wink to how we treat others and how we are more together than we think. Yet it also binds us in something we fundamentally all understand. Our senses. Which is in collaboration with Journey Through the Sense (Journeythroughthesenses.org) and Intstruments Inventors Initiative (instrument inventors.org)

Maria Oosterveen’s installation named (uk) Un-/(nl) On-
Maria Oosterveen ‘Crrrrrrshd’ Performance, 2022
Prototypes of Alumn crystals growing

I am also, with the help and support of the TU Delft, researching a way to create a wearable and performative piece of art that combines handwork with crystal growth. The focus is that not all technology is electronic. While still have this tactile elements to my work as the crystals will break by wearing, can be gathered and regrown making it a piece that also changes over time by wearing.

And I am working on some new designs that people can knit themselves. Where inspiration comes from the body itself. From chemicals like oxytocin to the spine. In case of oxytocin the chemical structure is turned by a self-made algorithm into something that can be translated into a lacework stitch. Which is a wink to how knitting and weaving has been the basis for the binary language in computing and it is a wink to how (mostly) women have sent secret message in knitwear in wars.

> Atelier Oosterveen

When I was looking through your online portfolio, I noticed that you didn’t date any of your works, is there a special reason for this?

I’m an anarchist in ways. I believe that time is irrelevant. It goes about the quality and position of the art in time. Time changes always, so does some elements in culture. This also means my art changes because the time and mentality it is existing in has changed. I could give it a date. But why would I?

Mariagoth’s Secret Projects (WIP)

Creating lace patterns

Which we can wear on our sleeve

out of chemical structures existing in us all

What are your current pursuits and which topics do you plan to focus on more in the coming period?

See earlier comments. I am really busy with a few new projects. Of which one is curating a series of events which are called: Not to be Senseless. Where the focus is more on the senses.

I might actually think about trying to create more algorithms (but now by AI) to create lace patterns out of chemical structures existing in us all. Which we can wear on our sleeve (what a great title btw).

At new year I did a participative intervention performance on sexuality, war and feminism. As I come from a mixed background, which is both Eastern European Jewish (grandfather mothers side) and Dutch Jewish (grandmother mothers side). I am in the middle of 2 wars. One which is all about the former USSR and Putin trying to regain that autocracy back over those pieces of land by invading Ukraine first. The second war with the Palestinians and Zionitic Israelis. In both wars women are still often seen as the damsels in distress. Put in a lesser position, both by those that try to protect us and those who want to hurt the other party the most. At new year I gained my power as a woman back by whipping others. Material from this performance still needs to be added to my website as it is rather recent.

*To correct you I didn’t realise the performance in Berlin. I was merely an actor. A hired entity to play part in someones concept I was just a player. Nothing more.

Mariagoth, 2017

Thank you so much for joining us Maria, it is an honor for us to have a futuristic artist like you on our pages, and I am sure it was equally inspiring and enjoyable for the readers and new-media artists. If you have something you want to share finally with your fans and followers here, please!

If you got the chance to attend my event on the 30th of March called “Not to be Senseless” do it.

Otherwise keep following me. As there will be more being produced the upcoming years.

Maria Oosterveen Art Studio

Maria Catharina Model Portfolio

> atelieroosterveen

> Mariagoth